Saturday, March 29, 2008

For the beginners

Whether you're relaxed or natural, consider these tips in your journey towards healthy hair.

Having a photo diary is very beneficial. It will help you keep track of your journey. With in this diary or photo album you should list products that youre using. During this experience you will need to make note of products you do and dont like. To make a photo album, you need a camera of some sort of course. This is the technology age so you can use a digital camera, web camera, or camera phone. If you dont have any of those, those cheap cameras film cameras will do. If you use those, your diary will need be an actual book instead of an online thing.

Make sure that you learn about product ingredients so you will know how to pick and chose or THROW away. I will include a blog especially for harmful products but some of them can be found in my Shampoo and Conditioning 101 blog. The site listed in that blog will help you decide if you need to throw them away or not by the products rating. The key ingredients for healthy hair is moisture and protein. Make sure you have products that handle both ..either together or separately. You will need more moisture than protein.

Treat your hair like silk. When detangling your hair, start from the ends with a wide tooth comb and work your way up. Other methods of gentle detangling is to detangle in the shower with the water running over it WITH or WITHOUT conditioner. Finger combing is very common. My OWN method of detangling sometimes is to comb tiny locks of hair and build up from there adding small locks each time until the whole section is untangled. Dont let your hair touch anything but soft materials like satin and silk. Cotton and nag the hair and absorb moisture from it. Never put TOO much tension on it while its wet or dry. This will stretch out the hair and put strain on the scalp.

GOOD HAIR is healthy hair. Healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp. You are what you eat ...and so is your hair in most cases. There are a lot of products that can enhance the look and feel of your hair but if your hair is generally healthy, you wont have to go the extra mile just to make it SEEM healthy.

Be experimental and find out what your hair likes. Products that I or other people recommend may not work for you. Everyone has different hair and different bodies. Find out exactly what you want for your hair and seek products that take care of it for you. Think "what do I want my hair to be?". Most people commonly want shiny, moisturized, strong, long hair. Well take EACH description and find a product that will help. Some products will take care of more than one. Moisturized hair, for example, is usually shiny also. See how this goes hand and hand? Strong hair wont break easily thus helping you retain LENGTH. Got it?

Make a regimen or routine for yourself. Do this in a manner that fits your lifestyle & dedication.

Soak in as much information as possible. I will try my best to give you all the information you need PLUS other things that will help the hair grow and you probably didnt know.


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